10 mai
La peau caressée par une légère brise printanière je me deplaçais d'un pas léger rendu aérien grâce au flottement de ma jupe. Le soleil pointait le bout de son nez sur la ville d'Aix-en-provence. J'avais l'impression d'être en vacances, que mon temps était dévolu à des occupations futiles, mais il n'en était rien car en ce jour printanier je me rendais à la fac.
The skin caressed by a light spring breeze I moved a light step thanks to the air floating my skirt. The sun pointing the tip of his nose to the city of Aix-en-Provence. I felt like being on holiday, my time was devoted to frivolous pursuits, but this was not because in that spring day I went to college.
The skin caressed by a light spring breeze I moved a light step thanks to the air floating my skirt. The sun pointing the tip of his nose to the city of Aix-en-Provence. I felt like being on holiday, my time was devoted to frivolous pursuits, but this was not because in that spring day I went to college.
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